- How to chuse, ride, trayne and dyet, both Hunting-Horses Und Running Horses, with all the Secrets thereto belonging discovered / An Arte neuer heeretofore written by any Author ; Also a discourse of Horsemanship [...] in a briefe manner is more methodically set downe then hath been heeretofore [...] ; Together with new additions for the cure of Horses diseases [...] never published before.
Object's details: How to chuse, ride, trayne and dyet, both Hunting-Horses Und Running Horses, with all the Secrets thereto belonging discovered / An Arte neuer heeretofore written by any Author ; Also a discourse of Horsemanship [...] in a briefe manner is more methodically set downe then hath been heeretofore [...] ; Together with new additions for the cure of Horses diseases [...] never published before.
[klocek: 550755-550762].
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- Creation date: 2009-11-25
- Last modification date: 2022-08-30
- Content object's number of views: 2385
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See also
[Traktat o koniach i ich hodowli]
Source:Akc. 1949/57
Von der Gestüterey, das ist ein grundtliche Beschreibung, wie und wa man ein Gestüt von guten edlen Kriegsrossen auffrichten, vnderhalten vnd wie man die Jungen [...] erziehen soll, biß sie einem Bereiter zum Abrichten zuundergeben [...] / gestellet und an Tag geben durch [...] Marxen Fuggern [...].
Creator:Fugger, Markus (1529-1597)
Entwicklung, Stand und Hengststämme der schlesischen Kaltblutzucht
Creator:Bruhnke, Karl
Source:Hst 12144/m
Das subjektive Element in den Romanen Fieldings
Creator:Fischer, Hildegard (1909- )
Source:GSL 9152 II
Schlesisches Pferdestammbuch e. V. dem Reichsnährstand angegliedert Breslau
Date:[ca 1939]
Source:Hst 12146/m
Euphues. The Anatomy Of Wit : Very pleasant for all Gentlemen to reade and most necessary to remember [...] / By Iohn Lylie [...]. Corrected and augmented.
Creator:Lyly, John (1554?-1606)
Date:[1597 ?]
Euphues And His England : Containing his voyage and adventures, Mixed with sundry pretty discourses of honest love, the description of the Country, the Court and the manners of the Ille [...] / By Iohn Lily [...].
Creator:Lyly, John (1554?-1606)
Menaphon: Camillaes Alarum to slumbring Eupheus [!] in his melancholy Cell at Silexedra. Wherein are deciphered, the variable effects of Fortune, the wonders of Love, the triumphs of inconstant Time [...].
Creator:Greene, Robert (1558?-1592)