- Academic Journal of Modern Philology, Vol. 18 (2022) Special Issue
Object's details: Academic Journal of Modern Philology, Vol. 18 (2022) Special Issue
Academic Journal of Modern Philology.
- Title:
- Subject: ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;
- Description: ;
- Table of contents:
Robert Borges: Sourcing Data from Wikipedia for the Study of Language Contact: the csbwiki; s. 7-22
Stephen Branigan: Intercultural Communicative Competence: Obstacles Faced by NESTs, NNESTs and Learners; s. 23-36
Katarzyna Cieplińska: Polish Rural Dialect and Culture of the Dobrzyn Region in Jerzy Pietrkiewicz’s Novel The Knotted Cord; s. 37-43
Izabela Dąbrowska, Katarzyna Cyran: Influence of the English Language on Librarianship Terminology on Polish University Sites; s. 45-65
Radosław Jakubczyk: Piekielne laboratorium, niepodległy duch. Wizja Islandii w relacjach z podróży Samuela Kneelan i Bayarda Taylora; s. 67-77
Sylwia Kalińska: Revue des recherches universitaires sur Toastmasters International; s. 79-98
Natalia Lazreg: The Translator of Picturebooks and Multimodality. Between Postulates and Reality; s. 99-108
Iwona Lilly: The Two Victorias – From Constraint to Liberation As Presented in History, Literature and on Screen; s. 109-120
Martina Mecco: Stylistic Aspects of Karel Capek’s Journalistic Writing: An Analysis of Hovory s T. G. Masarykem through the Method of Textual Linguistics; s. 121-130
Maria Magdalena Morawiecka: "Dalej wzwyż i dalej w głąb”. Średniowieczny rodowód figury raju w narnijskiej septalogii C.S. Lewisa; s. 131-140
Nataliia Romanyshyn: Artistic Conceptualization of Power in William Wordsworth's Poetry; s. 141-155
Marta E. Strukowska: Front-Page Coverage of the First Day of the Russian Invasion on Ukraine in 2022. The Ethnographic Discourse Analysis Based on the Polish Press Reportage; s. 157-175
Anna Stwora: The Intricacies of (Debatable) Humour in Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Standpoint; s. 177-190
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- Identifier:
oai:bibliotekacyfrowa.pl:136193 ; ; - DOI:
- Language:
; ; - Abstract Language :
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https://ajmp.uwr.edu.pl/ - Access rights: ;
- License: ; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/deed.en ;; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/deed.pl
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- Creation date: 2023-01-20
- Last modification date: 2023-01-20
- Content object's number of views: 235
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