- [Gerhard Johann]
Object's details: [Gerhard Johann]
- PLMET: http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE
- Title:
- Creator:
- Subject: ; ; ;
- Description:
- Detailed Type:
- Format:
- Identifier:
oai:bibliotekacyfrowa.pl:25841 - Source:
- Language:
- Relation:
- Access rights: ;
- License: ; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.en ;; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.pl
- Location of original object:
- www Comment:
Object is located in the collections:
See also
[Gerhard Johann]
Source:Inw. graf. 491
[Gerhard Johann]
Source:Inw. graf. 493
[Gerhard Johann]
Creator:Dürr, Johann (1600-1663)
Source:Inw. graf. 494
[Gerhard Johann]
Creator:Dürr, Johann (1600–1663)
Date:[post 1655]
Source:Inw. graf. 535
[Gerhard Johann]
Date:post 1637
Source:Inw. graf. 536
[Gerhard Johann]
Creator:Aubry, Peter III (1610-1686)
Source:Inw. graf. 492
[alegoria Pokoju i Wojny]
Creator:Naso, Ephraim Ignaz ( –1680)
[Bellarmino Robert]
Creator:Merian, Kaspar (1593-1650 ; st.)
Source:Inw. graf. 172
Last viewed
- Atrium
Atrium heroicum caesarum, [...] 2, 3 Creator:Custos, Dominicus (ca. 1560–1612/1615)Date:1600-1601Source:406816