@misc{Surowiec_Michał_Polish_2017, author={Surowiec, Michał}, copyright={Copyright by Michał Surowiec}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Publishing House eBooki.com.pl}, publisher={http://www.ebooki.com.pl/ www.ebooki.com.pl}, language={pol}, abstract={Master’s thesis presented here has a task to present polish settlement process on the territory of Kunice (ger. Kunitz) village from 1945 to 1947. Military efforts on the territory of Lower Silesia caused capture of the village in 8 of February 1945 by Red Army. In the effect, the village was partially destroyed and the temporary soviet administration was created. Post-war global politics shaped new borders of the Polish State, which caused displacement of German people from former borders of the III Reich. Polish administration must have been created on the terrain of so called “Recovered Territories” in order to perform polish settlement action. Actual process of the settlement in Kunice village took place in the year 1945. Process of formalising of this state of affair took place in the 1946. Unstable politics in the Polish State had the major influence on the real settlement process which ended in 1946. In the years 1947-1950 we can see the process of decreasing domestic migration movements. Also the “Operation Vistula” had an influence on population of the village in 1947.}, title={Polish settlement in Lower Silesia in the years 1945 - 1947 on the example of the village Kunice lying near Legnic}, type={tekst}, keywords={1945-1947, Lower Silesia, Kunice, Kunitz, Legnica, Poland, UkSRR, BSSR, USSR, soviet administration, polish administration, displacement of German people, polish settlement, repatriate, displaced person, transfer of population, Operation Vistula}, }