@misc{Cicero_Marcus_Tullius_(106-43_p.n.e.)_Rhetorica, author={Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 p.n.e.) and http://viaf.org/viaf/78769600 and Valerius Maximus and http://viaf.org/viaf/100905547 and Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (około 4 p.n.e.-65) and http://viaf.org/viaf/90637919}, howpublished={online}, language={lat}, abstract={por. Alexander Paul MacGregor, The manuscripts of Seneca’s Tragedies. A handlist, w: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. 2 Principat. Band 32/2: Sprache und Literatur, red. Wolfgang Haase - Hildegard Temporini, Berlin - New York 1985, s. 1134-1241}, abstract={por. Dorothy May Schullian, A preliminary list of manuscripts of Valerius Maximus, w: Studies in honor of Ullman, presented to him on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, red. Lilian B. Lawler, Saint Louis 1960, s. 83}, abstract={por. Konrat Ziegler, Catalogus codicum latinorum classicorum qui in Bibliotheca Urbica Wratislaviensi adservantur, Wratislaviae 1915, s. 38-39}, type={text}, title={Rhetorica ad Herennium}, title={De officiis}, title={Cato Maior de senectute}, title={Pro Marcello}, title={Pro Archia poeta}, keywords={15 w., retoryka, filozofia rzymska, tragedia łacińska}, }